Sunday, November 29, 2009

A Challenge

I moved into my home exactly 2 years ago this weekend. Tim and I married on the 17th of November and after celebrating the Thanksgiving holiday with family, we left on Friday with a moving van stuffed full of my things. We drove twelve straight hours and talked the whole time. It was a great trip and little Gabby rode in her carrier between the two of us and I'm sure she was terrified but she never made a peep. It was a challenge to leave my life in Kansas City and to start a new one, with a new husband, in a new city.

The Fish and I have settled into a good routine and we are very content and happy. God has blessed us in many ways and I am thankful for each one. There are days when I wonder how in the world I got here - but I'm sure all of us could ask that same question of ourselves. God has a reason for all things and my part is to remain faithful, content, and full of thanksgiving. However, it is a challenge when life presents you with situations that you would rather not deal with, but a faithful follower knows God is in charge and trys to forge ahead with faith and perserverance regardless. It is easy to preach - but it is tough to practice.

Recently, God has been placing things in my life that lead me to believe he is encouraging me to look beyond the moment and to focus on the future - to keep my eye on the goal . . .my life beyond this one. I must be ready to face the challenges ahead and the way to do this is to be able to answer the following questions:

I must know who I am.
I must know what I am about, what I believe.
I must know where I am going.

Can you answer these challenging questions?

1 comment:

Believe-N-HIM said...

1.I am His.
2 He is mine.
3.Everyday He draws me closer to Him and Home.

..any more questions? Hard ones like...what's for dinner?!