Last night was the company Christmas Party and we had a very good time. We had a catered meal, played the Chinese Gift Exchange, and it was a lot of fun. Everybody looked festive, moods were high, and there were lots of laughs and good times. We had it at the office which is a lovely place to have it - The Garden District is much like a home with a very homey atmosphere and we can laugh as loud as we want and stay as late as we want. The drawback was it was so warm in the office that we didn't light the fireplace.....which is my favorite thing.
On a different note: The Fish and I are getting ready for our roadtrip to see the family in just a few more days. We are both getting rather excited and are making our travel plans. Tim has several "honey do" projects to work on at mom and dad's and he's fine with that - he said he'll just plug his earphones in and listen to his talk radio programs, grab his hammer and toolbox and away he'll go. (I do love that man!) Mom has promised him a coconut cream pie and he's already drooling!
Bible Reading Update: We have made it through the 18th chapter of Proverbs and the 35 chapter of Genesis. There have been many conversations about our readings and we have enjoyed the quiet way of ending the evening - with reading aloud and thoughtful conversation about how through everything - God is in charge, he is ever faithful, and he forgives those who are earnestly seeking him. It gives comfort, doesn't it?
FYI: As we were reading about Esau's decendents, we came across one named Oholibama! Yep-that was it, Oholibama. We both nearly lost it.
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