Saturday, December 05, 2009

If you drive by the Fishbowl you will hear the sound of sawing, hammering, sanding, singing, laughing, and more sanding. The Fish has been out in the garage making stuff. He’s made several bat houses this summer and has now moved on to other items. I can’t go into much detail because some of the readers might be recipients of his labor of love.
He has just been cracking me up – he’s bought patterns, tools, and wood. He’s grabbed the radio and either listens to Rush or sings with the country music. Several of the neighbors have stopped by to shoot the breeze, ask questions, admire his handiwork and he has just loved it. As have I. It is good to see a happy, contented man do what he enjoys doing – working with wood. He thinks of each person as he is making their gift. He prays for them, considers what they might like and then jumps into the project. I think it’s awesome and I think he’s awesome too.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yes, I must agree with you. Your Fish is awesome!