Thursday, February 26, 2015

Hello Again

I spoke to friend today who encouraged me to take up blogging again. It's been awhile since I have done it so I may be a bit rusty and my phasing may chug along instead of being smooth and steady.  So I apologize in advance and warn you not to expect anything pithy right out of the gate. 

Life has brought about some changes and the first one that comes to my mind is learning how to adapt to getting older, especially learning how to adapt to a spinal surgery.  I cannot do some of the physical things I could do before but I still try to push myself to do it and then I pay the price. It really isn't worth it which means I have to say, "I can't do that." THAT is HARD to do. Asking for assistance can bring about feelings of laziness, weakness and irritation. Mix those feelings together and you have the recipe for one Crabby Patty and that is the last thing I want to be. 

Another change is learning different ways of managing stress. There were several things converging on me a few years back and dealing with chronic bad pain on top of it all squeezed the situation until something popped. That something was me. I popped and the hospital thought it was a TIA. I left the hospital with a brand new stutter that only presents when I am tired, have a migraine, or have to deal with physical stress in some way. An example of this happened when I was at a friend's home and the oven mitts caught fire while laying near a hot burner. I pulled the mitts off and caught a big whiff of the burning material. I tried to get the attention of the host but I stuttered so badly that he had no idea what I was saying - I finally just pointed to the mitts and he saw what was wrong. Once the stench abated, my speech settled down and things were ok.
So, that's a change I'm dealing with now. 

There are a few more changes but I would rather not spend all night writing, so I'll save some for another time. In the meantime......remember this:  God's mercy is great and it's new every morning.  
C ~

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