Thursday, December 10, 2009

Today's Events

Fishbowl Updates:
Torin turned 4 today!
Tot pulled her 2nd tooth today!
Tim got my Christmas present today!
Little David told told Tot that I was his best friend - but she was his Pen Pal. :)
Alli-pants is now 16 pounds.
Little Raiden is almost 4 weeks old.
Kyra & Eva aren't sick!
Lots of things are happening and life is just flying by.

The Fish and I are reading the book of Proverbs (1 chapter each eveing) and are slowing making our way through the book of Genesis. He plays a game on his I-touch while I read out loud - right before we go to sleep. It is very relaxing, we get our bible reading down, he gets to listen / play and we talk about the scriptures and what they mean to us. It is a good way to end the day.

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