The Fish and I have been rather busy lately with just life in general. Things like work, church, bible study, eating, sleeping, reading, watching tv, shopping, laundry etc. Along with that we have been working closely with our church and we have enjoyed getting to know new people. We feel more connected with those we worship with on Sunday and it has opened up some new relationships.
Even though we've been busy with normal things of life, our relationship with the Lord is our main priority. If we fill our life with other busy things, then the Lord is no longer the first thing in our life.

When I sign my name at the end of the day, will the Lord be pleased with what I have done? Have I looked for people to help? Have I spoken ill of someone? Have I been an encouragement to someone? Have I worked hard at work? Have I shown love to my family and friends?
Yes, it's been a while since I've written . . . and I'll probably write more tomorrow. But for now - ask yourself some of those questions and see if you are lead to live your life with more intention this week.
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