Tuesday, April 13, 2010

It Should Be Easy

“Instead of admitting that we have made a bad choice we keep trying to make that decision work. Maybe we should take a lesson from business and cut our losses and move on. Instead we keep trying to fix things to make them better.”

I read that statement and it just would leave. It kept repeating itself over and over again. How many times have I tried to make something work that just wasn’t meant to work?

I think it was because of several things:
1) I had to admit I had made a mistake in the first place
2) I didn’t know if I was just being weak and needed to just keep at it.
3) I wanted it to work out.
4) I didn’t want to admit defeat.

When I’m in a situation of trying to make something work that just isn’t working, God gives me three things to help me: His spirit, a brain, and my common sense. I pray for God’s guidance and a nudging from his spirit. I use my brain to search for information. I use my common sense to put these two things together to make my decision.

It sounds easy, doesn’t it? Then why do I think it’s easier just to worry about a problem instead of solving it? (wink)

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